

State of the Map 2022 will take place from 19 to 21 August 2022 in Florence, Italy. We have created an exciting programme with you—the OpenStreetMap community. For the duration of the conference, we have rooms set aside for breakout sessions that can be booked by groups of mutual interest, or used without prior planning.

  • Friday, 19 August: conference begins with an opening session, followed by a day of presentations and workshops
  • Saturday, 20 August: day 2 of more presentations and workshops
  • Sunday, 21 August: the final day continues with more talks and workshops plus a whole track of academic talks selected by our scientific committee

If you want to use an app to get reminders for talks in the schedule, you can use Giggity.

More information on schedules for calendars and apps can be found here.

Friday – August 19

Time (local) Auditorium A Auditorium B Workshops and Loop-Cinema - Room 103 no recording HOT unSummit Sessions - Room 102
10:00 Opening Session
SotM Working Group
10:30 State of Independence
Richard Fairhurst
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 10 Years Of MapRoulette
Martijn van Exel
JOSM: Beyond Basic Editing
Sharon Omoja, Michael Heißmeier
12:00 Entry-level Mobile Mapping
Kristen Tonga
OSM Carto as vector tiles
Jiri Komarek, Wladimir Szczerban
12:30 Admin Boundary Conflation Tool
Branko Kokanovic
usability testing with three people - how to discover why mappers are confused by your software
Mateusz Konieczny
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Innovating on derivative OpenStreetMap datasets
Brandon Liu
Lightning talks I
Various Speakers
Local Chapters Congress
Joost Schouppe, Local Chapters & Communities Working Group, Maggie Cawley, Anisa Kuci, Geoffrey Kateregga
HOT unSummit humanitarian sessions
15:00 None: a story of data that isn't there
Gala, Simona Ciocoiu
OpenStreetMap data for climate change response initiatives
Luc Kpogbe
15:30 Evolving the OSM Data Model
Jochen Topf
Integrating OpenStreetMap in the local governance of Nepal
Aishworya Shrestha, Sushma Ghimire
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 What you map is not always what you get
Sarah Hoffmann, Richard Fairhurst
Mapping a Small Town
Christopher Beddow
Lightning talks V
Various Speakers
HOT unSummit humanitarian sessions
17:00 UX for hyperlocal map in Southeast Asia
Low Ko Wee, Sriram Iyer
17:30 Inferring default speed limits
Tobias Zwick
Lightning talks II
Various Speakers
maplibre-rs: Cross-platform Map Rendering using Rust
Max Ammann

Saturday – August 20

Time (local) Auditorium A Auditorium B Workshops and Loop-Cinema - Room 103 no recording Online Workshops no recording
09:30 OpenStreetMap in the Cloud
Sajjad Anwar
Engaging in OSM
Heather Leson, Kate Chapman, Chad Blevins, Allan Mustard, Miriam Gonzalez, Geoffrey Kateregga, Liz Barry
Electrifying OSM with RapiD and Mapillary
Patricia Solis, Christopher Beddow
10:00 The MapOSMatic APIs - generate printable maps from your own application
Hartmut Holzgraefe
Building an OpenStreetMap Community Playbook
Sharon Omoja, Geoffrey Kateregga
10:30 Pedestrian and Bike Mapping in New York City
Ariel Kadouri
Linking OpenStreetMap and Wikidata: Case study of Taiwan's villages and rivers dataset
Dennis Raylin Chen
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 MapBuilder - The simplest OSM editorial tool
Nemanja Bracko
OpenStreetMap in schools: The case study of Bari
Ferdinando Traversa, Rosa Colacicco
Lightning talks V
Various Speakers
12:00 10 Years iD Editor – The Road Ahead
Martin Raifer
Educational initiatives and platforms on OpenStreetMap: making open data more accessible
Michael Montani
12:30 Every Door and the Future of POI in OpenStreetMap
Ilya Zverev
13:00 Lunch
14:30 How to kill OSM? Above all, change nothing
Florian Lainez
Digital Champions fighting Gender Based Violence in rural Tanzania with maps
Janet Chapman
OSM for sustainable transport planning: getting started
Greta Timaite, James Hulse
15:00 OSMF Board AMA
Amanda McCann
Women Leadership in Mapping Riverside Communities in the Amazon Forest Using OSM
Ana Luísa Teixeira, Silvia Elena Ventorini, Natalia da Silveira Arruda
15:30 A review of Mapillary-generated map data and how accuracy compares across devices
Said Turksever
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 State of OSM in QGIS
Etienne Trimaille
Lightning talks III
Various Speakers
Analyzing changes in OSM over time - full history access to OSM data through the ohsome framework
Benjamin Herfort, Rafael Troilo
Engaging in OSM
Heather Leson
17:00 Running - Today and Tomorrow
Grant Slater
Satellite Imagery for Social Good - Our Reflections
Shamilah Nassozi
17:30 Public Domain Map: Crowdsourcing the Future of Government Data
Jess Beutler, James McAndrew
Localization as an inclusion and participatory enabler research
Arnalie Vicario
20:00 Social Event

Sunday – August 21

Time (local) Auditorium A Auditorium B Workshops and Loop-Cinema - Room 103 no recording Online Workshops no recording
08:55 Opening Session - Academic Track 🎓
Yair Grinberger & Marco Minghini
09:00 Increasing OpenStreetMap Data Accessibility with the Analysis-Ready Daylight Distribution of OpenStreetMap: A Demonstration of Cloud-Based Assessments of Global Building Completeness 🎓
Jennings Anderson, Timmera Whaley Omidire
09:30 Crowdsourcing and virtual reality applications for peacekeeping: study cases in Mogadishu and Tripoli
Michael Montani
OSM Sidewalkreator - A QGIS plugin for automated sidewalk drawing for OSM 🎓
Kauê de Moraes Vestena
Lightning talks V
Various Speakers
OSM for sustainable transport planning: getting started
Greta Timaite, James Hulse
10:00 osm2streets: Street networks with detailed geometry
Dustin Carlino
Comparative Integration Potential Analyses of OSM and Wikidata – the Case Study of Railway Stations 🎓
Moritz Schott, Alishiba Dsouza
10:30 Exploring Human Bias and Effects of Training in OSM mapping: A Behavioral Experiment in Singapore
Shiyue Zhong
Academic Lightning Talks I 🎓
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Routing not only for Prams
Roland Olbricht
Automated derivation of public urban green spaces via activity-related barriers using OpenStreetMap. 🎓
Theodor Rieche
Electrifying OSM with RapiD and Mapillary
Patricia Solis, Christopher Beddow
12:00 OSM & Trails: New Collaborations for Responsible Recreation
Maggie Cawley
Null Island - a node of contention in OpenStreetMap 🎓
Peter Mooney, Levente Juhász
12:30 Lightning talks IV
Various Speakers
OSM for sustainable transport planning 🎓
Robin Lovelace, Greta Timaite, James Hulse
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Academic Lightning Talks II 🎓
14:30 OSM and indoor data
Clement Igonet
YouthMappers: A Hybrid Movement Design for the OpenStreetMap Community of Communities 🎓
Patricia Solis
Creating your own MapComplete theme
Pieter Vander Vennet
14:55 Landmarks for accessible space – promoting geo-literacy through geospatial citizen science 🎓
Sagi Dalyot
15:00 The OpenStreetMap Use for Medical Humanitarian Operations by Médecins Sans Frontières
Jana Bauerova
15:30 Wikimedia Italia - What is it doing for the Italian OSM community?
Anisa Kuci
Mapping crises, communities and capitalism on OpenStreetMap: situating humanitarian mapping in the (open source) mapping supply chain 🎓
Anne Lee Steele
16:00 Closing Session
SotM Working Group
17:00 Coffee and Snacks

Self organized sessions

Besides the main programme of SotM we offer space for self-organized sessions for discussions about topics that well placed in smaller rounds. The only requirement that we have to your topic is that it has to be related to OpenStreetMap. We use a dedicated OSM wiki page for the organization of online self-organized sessions. For on-site self-organized sessions, we will set up a white board at the conference venue to reserve a time slot and room. The only requirements we have is that the participants have a conference ticket which grants them access to the conference platform that we use and that they abide to the conference's Code of Conduct.